Critically acclaimed actor Rahul Bose, to be seen next in Barnali Shukla's "Kucch Love Jaisaa", feels it is useless to create controversies prior to a film's release. Alas, he is a victim himself this time.
"News of me 'getting angry at shifaali shah for researching her role' in KLJ!! yeah right. after having spent my career researching my roles! This juvenile trend of a 'must-have controversy' to publicise a film fools nobody -
not the audience, not the trade and certainly not its actors," Rahul posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
The actor reacted following a media report, according to which Rahul had got upset with co-actor Shefali Shah for spending a day with an under-trial criminal as her homework for "Kucch Luv Jaisaa".
Monday, May 16, 2011 11:50 IST