Directors Ram Gopal Varma and Vikram Bhatt have decided to enter the 3D market with gusto. After creating Haunted in 3D, Bhatt will make an erotic thriller called Dangerous Ishq, and a sequel to Haunted, both in
Meanwhile, Varma will make an adventure story in 3D, inspired by Raiders Of The Lost Arc. "Yes, I am doing a 3D film. I had planned on doing an adventure story along the lines of Raiders Of The Lost Arc for some
time now, " confirmed Ramu.
Bhatt's Haunted may have had a tepid opening in Mumbai, but the film is reportedly doing well in smaller cities. "Dangerous Ishq is about forbidden passion and eroticism. We plan to shoot around the world. Horror in
3D is limiting and a bit of a cliche. We need to apply the 3D format to a genre that is far more universal. Sex and eroticism is the thing for 3D, " said Bhatt.
Bhatt also wants to make an Indianised version of Ridley Scott's Aliens in 3D. "I've wanted to do a film about an Indian space-lab for a long time. I wasn't sure if it would find any takers. Now, after seeing the response
to Haunted, I am confident that we can win audiences over with good special effects."
The world's first 3D porn flick
Hong Kong's most popular adult film, Sex and Zen, originally released in 1991, was recently remade into what was largely touted as the world's first 3D porn flick. The new version called 3-D Sex and Zen:
Extreme Ecstasy is set in the Ming dynasty and tells the tale of a young man introduced to the erotic world of an aristocrat. The film broke Box Office records in Hong Kong, and was showcased at the Cannes Film
Festival last week.
Monday, May 16, 2011 11:55 IST