Mohit Ahlawat, Ram Gopal Varma's protégé whom the director had once described as a mix of Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan, is back. After a disastrous launch in Varma's James and some other non-starters
Mohit simply vanished into thin air practically off the surface of the earth.
The last one heard of him was when he openly scoffed Ram Gopal Varma's Sholay remake. Refusing to play the seemingly prized role of Jai in the Jai-Veeru saga-revisited by Varma Mohit turned his back on
Bollywood, apparently to look after his family business in Delhi.... Or so we thought.
It now turns out Mohit was seriously unwell with a stomach ailment that kept him in hospital first in Mumbai then in New York.
He has now re-surfaced suddenly on the eve of the release of his long-delayed film Shagird, hoping to resurrect his career.
Mohit is unwilling to talk about the reasons for his long absence from Mumbai. "I was facing health and family problems. And I was away for quite a while. But now I am back in every sense. I've been quietly regaining
my strength. The 8-pack is in place. And I'm ready to strike again. "
Mohit realizes there is unlikely to be a clamour to see him back in Bollywood. "I realize it's out of sight out of mind in show-business. Four years is a long time to be away. I'll have to build my career from scratch. I
don't mind. I'm willing to work hard and start as a newcomer. "
For almost four years Mohit was unreachable. "No one had my number in Mumbai. I had as good as written off my career until I re-invented myself fully. In-between I did one film Emotional Atyaachar because the
director was a friend. But I wasn't around to promote it. "
During his first innings Mohit acquired the reputation of being arrogant and opinionated. That isn't about to change. "I am still the same. I won't do jee-huzoori and I won't agree with what I don't think is right. What I can
and will do is, be more restrained. I owe a lot to Ramuji. And now I owe my resurrection to Tigmanshu Dhulia who gave me Shagird. "
Delhi-based for four years, Mohit now intends to move back to Mumbai with his wife Sai Johar and 4-year daughter.
Here's wishing him a speedy comeback and good health.
Monday, May 16, 2011 12:01 IST