India's Olympic bronze medallist Vijender Singh tied the knot Tuesday with his long-time girlfriend Archana in a private ceremony that was attended by Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi.
Vijender was dressed in a Manav Gangwani sherwani while Archana was dazzling in a Tarun Tahiliani outfit. The ceremony took place at the Flying Club and was attended mostly by friends and relatives while Gandhi
was the star attraction.
The newly wed couple also posed for the shutterbugs after their wedding. The reception will take place in Bhiwani Wednesday and will be attended by several celebrities and also politicians.
"It is a great moment in my life. I've known Archana since 2007 when we were introduced through a common friend. The friendship grew stronger and finally last year I proposed and she accepted, " said Vijender.
Vijender also admitted that he won't have time for honeymoon, as he will be busy practicing for the 2012 London Olympics.
"I just got back from the Arafura Games and will leave for Cuba soon for training, " he said.
Archana, who hails from Muzaffarnagar, works with the British high commission here.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 11:36 IST