Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who has been busy with the shooting of his super hero film "Ra. One" and action thriller "Don: The Chase Continues", hurt his leg after it got stuck in a puddle recently.
The actor who attended the music launch of his forthcoming home production "Always Kabhi Kabhi" here Wednesday looked chic in a black shirt and formal trousers, and he even walked straight. But a slight
discomfort on his face couldn't be missed.
Asked about his condition, Shah Rukh told reporters: "I have hurt my leg. I wish I could say it happened during the shoot of 'Ra.One' or 'Don'. But it happened when my leg got stuck into a puddle recently. I turned my
leg to take out my foot and the meniscus (cartilage) got ruptured."
Since Shah Rukh was a sports enthusiast since his school days, injuries have been a part of his life. While working in films, he first suffered a hairline fracture on his knee cap that he sustained while shooting for
"Koyla" in 1990s. In the past five years, he tore a shoulder muscle, suffered a back injury and has undergone surgery too.
He is also busy with his Indian Premier League (IPL) team Kolkata Knight Riders.
Thursday, May 19, 2011 11:53 IST