The film, produced by Arindam Chaudhary, marked the big screen comeback of yesteryear's popular couple - Rishi and Neetu Kapoor - after 30 years. The two veterans effectively narrated a middle-class two-wheeler family's journey to own a four-wheel vehicle.
"I am really excited. I just got to know and the feeling is yet to sink in. I am very excited. A whole lot of people have put in so much effort in making this film a success.
I am grateful to the producer who had the guts to invest in my film and Rishiji and Neetuji who came out of their comfort zone to get into the character. There has been a lot of hard work involved, " Faisal told.
Asked about how he is going to celebrate it, he said: "I'll figure it out with my wife and my kids how to celebrate the achievement."