10-year old Partho Gupte who plays Stanley in Amole Gupte's film has found a new fan.On Tuesday evening Delhi's chief
minister Sheila Dixit sat enraptured through Stanley Ka Dabba.Not prone to much PDA, Ms Dixit insisted that Partho sit on her
lap as she warmed up to his performance on screen.
Though Partho was accompanied by his parents Amole Gupte and Deepa Bhatia and although there were at least a 1000
mediapersons and political personalities at the screening in the Films Division theatre in Delhi the iron-lady's maternal instincts
were on full display at the screening, as all her attention was restricted to little Stanley.
Right after the screening the proud father Amole Gupte said, "It was a heartwarming sight.Sheilaji wouldn't let Partho out of her
sight.From this no-nonsense politician she transformed into convivial grandmother.I don't think she has sat through too many
films.She watched Stanley Ka Dabba to the end."
Apparently Ms Dixit has assured Amole that she would look into the matter of the film getting a tax exemption.
Two powerful women with a great deal of say in what goes into the socio-cultural profile of their respective states, have adopted
Amole Gupte's Stanley Ka Dabba.Maharashtra chief-minister Prithviraj Chauhan's educationist-wife Satvasheela Chauhan, and
Delhi's chief minister Sheila Dixit have taken note of the film's immense empathy towards the cause of child education and
juvenile labour.
An entertainment-tax exemption for Stanley Ka Dabba in Delhi and Maharashtra is imminent and likely to happen within a week.
Says Amole, "We're very fortunate to have received such incredibly generous reviews.The word-of-mouth has also been good and
our film is growing in its reach.The Maharashtra CM's wife who is an eminent educationist has kindly embraced the film.
In Delhi Sheila Dixit-ji has shown a keen interest in our little film. The important thing is to let the film grow and not allow
ourselves to get carried away into believing we've done something extraordinary.As far as work on and about children goes
there's still a long way to go."
Partho who plays the title role in Stanley Ka Dabba, has not been allowed to get carried away by all the overpowering
adulation.He hasn't even been allowed to read the reviews!
Says Amole, "It is very important for Partho to remain unaffected by the praise. Not that he is prone to get carried away.In that
sense he's like me.
I was neither deterred by all that transpired during Taare Zameen Par nor am I elated by the way
Stanley Ka Dabba has been received. I think it's very important for Partho to maintain his equilibrium through all the praise.I've
tried to keep him as grounded as possible through the weekend."
Four days of absolute adulation have not gone to Partho's head at all.
Says Partho modestly, "She (Sheila Dixit) really liked the film and my performance and encouraged me a lot, Everything is the
same...normal. I like it that way, " says Partho. "Have people really liked me that much? No one has told me anything. I don't
think I was that good. I think my performance could have been much better."
As for celebrations Partho says there was a dinner for the entire team of Stanley Ka Dabba on Sunday evening. "But no one
treated me like a star, or anything. I know I am not."
Friday, May 20, 2011 11:38 IST