Bhojpuri star Vinay Anand will be seen as an angry young man in "Trinetra", an action drama that foucuses on social evils,
including dowry.Vinay will play a rebellious youth in the movie, produced by Infinity Entertainment and directed by Shad Kumar.
"What a film 'Trinetra' is! It has highlighted the dowry issue and has emphasised the fact that we should get rid of this social evil,"
Vinay said in a press statement.
Director Shad is quite impressed with the young actor.
"There is no one like Vinay Anand. I would love to work with him again and again. He has no star tantrums and he is very
punctual. He always treats his producers like his guardians," he said.
Other actors in the film include Pankaj Kesri, Nandini Singh, Poonam Sagar, Dharmesh Kumar and Rakesh Pandey. The movie
will release soon.
Friday, May 20, 2011 18:11 IST