Bhojpuri superstar Manoj Tiwari says actress Gunjan Pant is lucky for him. The two actors are currently working together in
Jitesh Dubey's "Yadav Paan Bhandar".
A well-known newsweekly has included Manoj Tiwari among the top nine stars of India who are powerful and effective and while
shooting a song sequence for the last schedule of "Yadav Paan Bhandar" in Panvel, Mumbai, Manoj found out about top list.
After the news, he excitedly announced to the unit: "Gunjan Pant is a very lucky actress for me. Working with her has brought so
much happiness to me."
Manoj has more reasons to be happy, as the list of top nine stars reportedly includes big names like Amitabh Bachchan,
Rajnikanth, Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, A.R. Rahman and Prakash Jha.
Friday, May 20, 2011 18:27 IST