Kunal Kohli considers his new film's leading man Shahid Kapoor his lucky mascot. It's a privilege for which Shahid had to pay a heavy price on Wednesday when he had to rush from his all-night shooting on one end of
town to another for the first day's shooting of his new film directed by Kunal Kohli, although Shahid was not required for shooting on that day.
Morever the actor has been advised to take it easy after the hand injury he suffered last week. But Kohli apparently insisted that Shahid show up for the first day's shooting.
Says a source, "Shahid was shooting the whole night with Sonam Kapoor for Mausam at Goregaon. They were't easy scenes. They were emotional confrontation scenes. Shahid was emotionally and physically
exhausted by the the end of it. But Kunal was keen that Shahid show up at the shooting. "
With no time to go back home after the all-night shooting Shahid rather hastily rushed from the location of his father's shooting straight to Kunal Kohli's sets and was apparently not too happy with the rather taxing
work schedule that stretched his work schedule to nearly 13 hours of almost uninterrupted work.
When, however I caught up with Shahid he was hardly complaining. "I am fine, " he said.
However a source close to Shahid complained, "His contemporaries are romancing multiple heroines. But he has barely got out of a role in his father's film where he had to serve as a glorified spot-boy off-camera and
go through various stages of his character's life-span when now Kunal Kohli wants to put him through the grind again. "
Friday, May 27, 2011 12:23 IST