Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan Tuesday said that Cineyug founder Karim Morani, who has been arrested for his alleged role in the 2G spectrum allocation scam, and his family are in trouble but was optimistic the issue would be sorted out.
"Morani family is a very good family and industry people share a very good relationship with Karim. The matter is currently sub-judice and the law will take it's own course. These people are in trouble today but things will be sorted out. Law enforcement people know better than us, " Shah Rukh told reporters at an event to launch the first look of his forthcoming superhero adventure "Ra.One".
Morani was arrested in New Delhi Monday after his bail application was dismissed by a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court.
Shah Rukh reserved his comments on the 2G scam and Morani's involvement in it.
Cineyug is known for organising Shah Rukh's world tour and Morani's daughter Zoa Morani is making her acting debut with the superstar's production venture "Always Kabhi Kabhi", slated to hit the screens June 17.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 12:04 IST