Actor Saif Ali Khan, who is currently working on "Aarakshan", a film looking at caste-based reservations and the politics around it, doesn't like politics in real life.
"I can't bear politics. I'm a little aware about it; I read the papers but I just feel that with the kind of politics this country has, it's so difficult to keep everyone happy... it's something very exhausting, " said the 40-year-old.
"I think I'm in the right profession for me. Things keep changing every now and then in acting, but at least there is no politics here, " he added.
Directed by Prakash Jha, "Aarakshan" also features Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Manoj Bajpayee and Prateik. It is slated to release Aug 12.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 12:06 IST