Amitabh Bachchan along with his wife Jaya, son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya stepped out for a rare family outing when they went to watch "Kung Fu Panda 2", and enjoyed the movie like the common man
-- with popcorn and soft drinks.
Big B liked the film, but preferred the first one much more.
After the outing Tuesday night, the 68-year-old says he would like to do it often.
"Great fun walking into a cinema theatre, standing in line for the tickets and being ushered in to our seats. Putting on the 3D glasses, ordering some popcorn and drinks at the PVR in Juhu/Andheri and joining in with
the rest of the audience on the laughs and the claps. Must do this more often!" Amitabh posted on his blog
The actor also shared his experience on micro-blogging site Twitter. He also pointed out that he preferred the first one, which he saw in the company of some of Hollywood's biggest names at the 61st Cannes
International Film Festival in 2008.
"Took the family out to a movie - Jaya, Abhishek, Aishwarya - at PVR... 'Kung fu Panda 2'... fun became! Popcorn, eats, drinks ... Loved the film... but yes agree, the first one was better. Or was it the company of that
first one that did it... it was at Cannes.
And at Cannes for 'Kung Fu Panda 1' was with the cast - Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Sean Penn and oh! so many (sic), " he posted.
Thursday, June 02, 2011 13:11 IST