Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who has been busy shooting for filmmaker Kunal Kohli's next, has taken two days off to attend her younger brother Siddharth's graduation in
The 28-year-old, who flew to Switzerland Wednesday night, didn't want to miss out on her brother's special day at any cost, and had planned the break well in advance, says a source close to the actress.
"This was very important for her. Her parents have also gone," said the source.
Siddharth, who is seven years younger to Priyanka, was studying a culinary course in a university near Geneva. The actress will return to Mumbai Friday morning - in time to attend NDTV's Greenathon in the night.
She will also resume shooting for Kohli's film, which is yet to get a title. The movie also features Shahid Kapoor.
Friday, June 03, 2011 14:54 IST