Former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly, who will begin hosting the Bengali version of hit quiz show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" from Monday, said he practised for it more than he did for his sport.
"For the first time in my life I have rehearsed for so long. For matches I would practice at the nets for four hours but for this show I rehearsed for six hours, " Ganguly said here.
Asked to compare himself with Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan who have hosted "Kaun Bangega Crorepati" (KBC), the Hindi version of the game show, Ganguly said: "They did the show in their styles and I would do it in mine. We all are different and can't be compared. How I fare is up to you to decide when the programmes is telecast".
Asked how would he fare if he participated in the show, Ganguly said: "Frankly speaking, I don't think I would get any of the answers right."
However, famed quizmaster and brain behind the show Siddharth Basu said: "He (Ganguly) is trying to be humble. But in the mock run of the show, he answered all the questions. He won a crore."
On choosing Ganguly to host the show, Basu said: "For the host, one has to be a quick thinker, a street smart. Ganguly is both. The viewers will get to see a sportsperson in action - how he deals with a given situation, since he is not from acting background, he will bring a fresh approach."
Ganguly ran into trouble after he signed up for this programme when Zee Bangla TV channel sued him for breach of contract. Ganguly previously hosted a game show titled 'Dadagiri' aired on that channel.
Later, the matter was resolved and the court ordered Ganguly to shoot for 'Ke Hobe Banglar Kotipati' (KHBK). "All I can say is that I got an order from the court to do this (KHBK) show, which means I have done something right. I thank Zee (Bangla) for allowing me to do Dadagiri for two years. It was fantastic, " said Ganguly on the issue.
Meanwhile, a Bhojpuri version of the game show, to be hosted by Bollywood actor Shatrughan Sinha, is also slotted to be aired on the same day.
Monday, June 06, 2011 12:16 IST