Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan on Friday voiced his criticism for the new drinking age limit in Mumbai, which was increased from 21 to 25.
The 68-year-old actor backed up the city's youth who have been up in arms with the new regulation that permits only wine and beer for people at the age of 21.
Posting on his Twitter account, the Big B said, "Also, on drinking age limit increase to 25 ! Err.. old and mature enough to vote for the country, or join army and fight for the nation... but not old and mature enough to be told when you are allowed to drink ???? Strange ?!!!!"
While many believe that the rule seems out of touch with the times since by the age of 21, people in India are allowed to drive, vote and even get hitched, most feel that it will have little effect on people who really want to drink.
Like in Delhi, where the lowest permissible age for drinking is 25 as well but there is hardly any enforcement of the law and liquor shops freely sell to much younger people, youth in Mumbai feel the new regulation will mainly be for the books.
However, Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan says, "In most states excise brings in a lot of revenue. But there is also the risk of not being able to control drinking. This is what we are making an attempt to control."
Monday, June 06, 2011 12:17 IST