Bollywood actor Arunoday Singh, who began his career with a negative role in "Sikander", feels that experimentation in Bollywood is not always successful."Experimentation can only help if a film is made in a right way.
One can't do experiments just because others are doing it. Also, it's not necessary that so-called 'hatke' film will turn out to be good, " said Arunoday, grandson of late Congress leader Arjun Singh.
"I have seen some terrible commercial movies which changed my definition of good cinema. Only if the cinema is good in terms of the script, then only it can work. Say something through cinema and you will not be disappointed, " he added.
Arunoday started his acting career with a negative role in Piyush Jha's 2009 release "Sikandar" followed by "Aisha" and "Mirch". He was last seen in Sudhir Mishra's "Yeh Saali Zindagi (YSZ)" where he was paired with Aditi Roy Hydari.
The actor says it is unfortunate that a movie with no story and cinematic value sells and talented filmmakers get wasted because of the lack of a support system.
"Though Bollywood has some amazing filmmakers, they lack a support system. There are many films which have no script and cinematic quality and still they earn a million bucks. Till the time such films are there, smaller and more descent movies will never get support, " said Arunoday.
He is currently shooting for director Ishraq Shah's "Ek Aur Admi", a political drama set in a small village near Udaipur. It also features Kitu Kidwani, Raghubir Yadav and new face Angira Dhar.
"I play a young Muslim guy called Munna Siddhiqui. Ishraq approached me after YSZ and asked me to play the male lead. I heard his narration and was infected by his enthusiasm. I liked the script, so I said yes, " he said.
The 30-year-old, who enrolled himself in an acting school in New York before joining Bollywood, says proper education is a must.
"A proper education is needed anywhere. Yes, some people have a natural gift for acting while others need to work on it. I needed to work at it and for me theatre was helpful. I would never been able to do anything with the character in 'Ek Bura Aadmi' if I hadn't done the theatre before, " said Arunoday who is currently looking forward to the release of Vivek Agnihotri's "Buddha In A Traffic Jam".
Wednesday, June 08, 2011 12:03 IST