Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan condoled the demise of legendary painter M.F. Husain by remembering a 'sanjeevani booti' painting which was gifted to the actor after the accident on the sets of "Coolie".
"MF Hussain, artist, painter, friend ... passes away! Sad, very sad ! Many of his works and gifts adorn my home. Hussain's best painting gift to me...a Hanuman with 'sanjeevani booti' flying...given to me in Breach
Candy Hospital, during Coolie episode, " Amitabh posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
"Another special painting he did for me...translated my poem I wrote in Hospital, on canvas ... very special and most endearing !!" added the 68-year-old.
Husain, who rose from painting cinema hoardings to becoming one of the world's most celebrated artists, died in a London hospital early Thursday at the age of 95.
Friday, June 10, 2011 11:40 IST