"Haal e dil", a song from Amitabh Bachchan's forthcoming film "Bbuddah...Hoga Tera Baap" is the latest Bollywood song to be leaked online. The megastar has requested his fans not to download the pirated version
and wait for the official music launch.
"Hey! Song from #BHTBaap got leaked and can be heard!! Its 'Haal e Dil'...now nothing can be done its gone out! (sic)" Amitabh posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
The 68-year-old informed that the song has been picturised on him and veteran actress Hema Malini.
"Someone leaked song from #BHTBaap... its called 'Haal e Dil'.. Hema ji and my theme, just heard it, " he added.
Amitabh, who plays an old man who feels young, in the movie which is his home production, is trying to trace the leak.
"Ok all my TwFmXt (Twitter extended family), I just checked with Viacom our partners and the music company...the leak is from the processor perhaps...The production informs me that official hardware (CDs) are out
on shelves on Monday, online release same day. Do not download pirate, " he posted.
The leakout of "Haal e dil" follows the unofficial online release of "Chammak challo", sung by international pop star Akon for superstar Shah Rukh Khan's much-awaited "RA.One".
Monday, June 13, 2011 13:04 IST