John Abraham driving his car at Juhu Scheme on Monday afternoon. The actor was in a grey tee and was spotted tinkering with his cell phone at the signal. John also had a male friend in the car.
Shreyas Talpade was on his way to the airport on Monday morning to join the star cast of Housefull 2 which is being filmed in London.
On the way, his car broke down. He hailed a rickshaw and then struck
a conversation with the auto driver in Marathi.
By the end of the journey, the thrilled auto driver not only refused to take the fare from Bhau (as Shreyas is called), but also took a picture on his cell phone of
the actor in his rickshaw. Shreyas, of course, insisted on paying and gave him a tip too!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:01 IST