The Marathi film is based on a true story of a girl who lost her arm
Remember Nache Mayuri, a dance flick made about 25 years ago on the real story of Sudha Chandran, who had lost her leg in an accident but went on to become a dancing queen nevertheless?
Marathi film producer, Anil Pathyane, has followed the lead and churned out yet another film on the same lines, Dhyneshwari Express.
The film is based on Shreya Sen, a young architecture student who lost her right hand in a train accident, but now with her sheer grit and determination is all set to appear for her exams, replacing her right arm with her
right leg!
The story goes as
About a year ago, Shreya was travelling from Mumbai to Kolkata to attend a marriage, with her family. Due to the ongoing agitation at that time, the Maoists had removed the fishplates on a track near Kolkata leading
to the derailment of her train.
Though her parents and younger brother managed to escape, the poor girl was so badly injured that she had to be hospitalised for a month and a half, besides loosing one of her limbs.
However now, after fighting all odds, Shreya will appear for her architecture exams as she has mastered to use her leg in place of her arm.
Seeing herself
The Bengali girl, who saw the film on Friday, said that, though the producer had only informed and not taken her written permission for the movie, she is happy with the results.
What she liked the most is the sensitivity with which actress Manjusha Ghodse has enacted her in the film.
Also, Manjusha, who met Shreya only at the trial of the film, confessed that it would have helped her a lot as an actress if she had been allowed by the producer or director to meet Shreya before she shot for the movie.
DE is written and directed by Prakash Panchal and stars Ashwini Ekbote, Anand Abhyankar, Sharad Ponkshe and Girish Oak besides Manjusha.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 13:27 IST