Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan is busy giving suggestions on love and romance these days to the young contestants of the popular reality show on UTV Bindass-Emotional Atyachaar Season 3.
Ajay is only sharing his thoughts on romance and love he is also hosting two episodes of Emotional Atyachaar Season 3.
"It is not worth wasting or finishing your life for someone who does not love you," Ajay said on the show.
The third season promises to be equally exciting and sensational like the previous sessions with couples doubting their relationships.
On the season's second episode, Preeti, a Delhi girl is conducting a loyalty test on her partner Sumit, who she feels, has been ignoring her of late and only meets her as per his convenience. Even his phone has been always busy at night; it has never been this way before for Preeti.
When she confronts him regarding his excuses, Sumit dismisses her saying that the call was a professional one.
Even Preeti's friend Janvi claims that Sumit makes any girl uncomfortable in his company. To reach a conclusion on these claims made by Preeti and her friend, the Emotional Atyachaar 3 team (EAT) sends an undercover agent to visit Sumit at the photo studio where he works.
Sumit readily agrees to do a photo shoot for the undercover agent and even gets over friendly with her during the shoot.
To confirm if this is just a one-time thing or it is a habit, the Emotional Atyachaar Team (EAT) brings another undercover agent to meet Sumit, whether or not Sumit repeats his earlier, flirtatious and over friendly behavior with the second undercover agent will decide his fate with Preeti.
This second case of Emotional Atyachaar 3 will be aired on June 17 at 7pm on UTV Bindass.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 12:08 IST