Vikram Bhatt returns to Vishesh Films after 2003 with the third part of the horror film "Raaz", which will be made in 3D and which
he says is the most important film of his life.
"For me, 'Raaz 3' is more than a film. For me, it's homecoming. It's a gift that I want to give to Bhatt Saab (Mahesh Bhatt) and
Mukesh-ji (Mukesh Bhatt) because they are responsible for what I am today. For me it's the most important film of my life. It's
going to be scarier in 3D and at the same time it's going to be more of a love story with great music, " Bhatt told.
Bhatt made his last movie with Vishesh Films in 2003 with "Footpath". He started his career in 1992 with a Vishesh Films
production, "Jaanam", and then went on to do four more films with them, including the first of the "Raaz" series, which was a major
hit. The second was directed by Mohit Suri.
Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:59 IST