The sporty side of Akshay Kumar is never too far away from the surface. Even as the Khiladi Kumar struggles to get land allotted for a martial-arts school in Mumbai, the participants of last year's Akshay Kumar Karate Tournament have just returned from an international karate championship with bronze and gold medals.
And Akshay, always the sporty star, can't stop grinning about his students' triumph.
Said Akshay, "What an absolute pleasure and honour it is. Not only have the winners of my annual Karate Tournament participated in the 12th Milo Malaysian World Championship they have come home to India bravely carrying 2 Gold Medals and 3 Bronze... Incredible achievement!This is what this is all about. Giving children and adults the opportunity to represent their sport and their country. "
In all 23 karate students between the age of 3 and 38 attended the 12th Milo World Karate Championship in Malaysia. They've returned with 3 bronze and 2 gold medals.
Says Akshay, "I am very proud of all the Indian contestants. They've made their coaches, families, country and me very proud. And they've brought hope and inspiration to many karate lovers across India. See you at my next tournament. "
Akshay now intends to carry his passion for martial arts to the next level by opening martial arts schools across the country.
Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:47 IST