Aamir Khan's home production "Delhi Belly" recovered its cost by earning Rs.26 crore in the opening weekend, while Amitabh Bachchan's "Bbuddah...Hoga Teraa Baap" is also expected to break even as it has
collected Rs.7.06 crore so far.
Made at a budget of Rs.25 crore including print and publicity, the Imran Khan-starrer adult comedy earned Rs.7.15 crore Friday, Rs.8.50 crore on Saturday and its Sunday collections were Rs.10.75 crore.
Film critic Taran Adarsh tweeted that Amitabh's home production "Bbuddah..." picked up on Saturday-Sunday and collected Rs.7.06 crore over the weekend.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:57 IST