Shah Rukh Khan has a reputation for playing mentor to talent. Hence when he invited the the forthcoming action flick Azaan's leading man Sachin Joshi on stage in Toronto at the IIFA, it didn't surprise anyone, though
the gesture did move Scahin who is nervously awaiting his debut, to tears.
Says Sachin, "It was an outstanding gesture for Shah Rukh to introduce me at such a major global awards function. I culdn't have asked for a better introduction, and that too from someone who is more than a brother.
Sachin Joshi who plays an agile action hero in Azaan says Shah Rukh has gone out of his way to help him.
Says the discernibly-moved action hero, "Shah Rukh has gone out of his way for me . I'm overhwlemed by his generosity. Not too many superstars would be so kind to an actor who is just starting out. I love him for
that. "
When asked if Shah Rukh's introductory act with Sachin Joshi in Toronto was part of a contractual deal Sachin is hurt. "It was a purely emotional gesture. With me and Shah Rukh it's never business, all heart. "
Wish more of the established stars in Bollywood would show a similar largesse of heart.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011 12:05 IST