At a time when Bollywood celebrities are turning to the small screen to be constantly in the news, model-turned-actor Rajniesh Duggal, away from the media glare for three years, candidly admits that he has no
interest in the small screen but won't mind hosting a reality show.
"Small screen doesn't interest me, but reality shows do. But again, I don't want to participate in any of the shows, what I am open to is hosting them. Some people have approached me and I am in talks with them. So
let's see, " Rajniesh told in an interview from Mumbai.
"The reason why I never thought about the small screen is maybe because I don't watch that much of television, " he added.
The 31-year-old made his acting debut in Vikram Bhatt's horror flick "1920" in 2008. He started his career as a model and hogged the limelight after he won the Grasim Mr India contest in 2003. Due to his chiselled
looks and striking resemblance to Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves, Rajniesh's female fan list is never-ending.
But his absence isn't pushing him to make some stupid career mistakes, as Rajniesh admits he has been offered movies, but he has not liked any of the scripts and instead has invested these years in honing his
acting skills and trying to be a perfect father.
"All this while I have been trying to improve my acting skills. Also, I have been spending good quality time with my 18-month-old daughter Teeyaa. You won't believe, but I know everything about babies now, " said
Rajniesh who is married to Pallavi.
While many still believe the best way to enter Bollywood is to be a star kid but Rajniesh feels they too have their own share of problems.
"Whosoever is a star son or related to any Bollywood star, it is definitely a bonus for them. But still they have to work on their career, prove themselves at every level. Often they are compared and this too puts them
under extreme pressure, " Rajniesh pointed out.
"It's not easy for them as they too go under a lot of drilling. It's the initial push you get, rest is how good an actor you are."
He is now gearing up for his second release "Phirr" in August and will also be seen in a special appearance in a "Dahi Handi" song in Rajiv Ruia's 3-D animation-cum-live action film "Main Krishna Hoon".
Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:16 IST