"Chillar Party" director Vikash Bahl says that Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni has recommended tax exemption for his debut film and that he and his co-director Niraj Tiwari are hoping that the
states act on it.
The film is Salman Khan's debut production and he screened it for Ambika Soni in Delhi.
"Ambika Soni has recommended that tax should be exempted. It's only the states who have the right, the central government doesn't have the authority. They can only recommend. Hope that tax is exempted. If it
happens, it would be really good, " Bahl told.
Releasing July 8, "Chillar Party" is about a gang of innocent yet feisty kids who lead a carefree and fun-filled life. It shows how they fight together the big bad world of politics when a mean politician endangers their
friend Bheedu's life.
"It's a story of friendship and bonding and how far they can go for it, " said Bahl.
Bahl, who had been creative producer of films like "Dev D", "Udaan" and "No One Killed Jessica", has teamed up with ad-man Niraj Tiwari to jointly write the story and direct the film.
Taking up direction was not a very conscious decision, said Bahl.
"Nitesh and I were writing the story for a year-and-a-half every weekend. When we finished writing the story we thought of writing the screenplay. When we got the screenplay we thought lets write the dialogues. Once
we finished that we said when we have shaped the story let us direct the film, " Bahl said.
Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:18 IST