As Rajkumar Hirani is planning a sequel, titled Munnabhai Meets Mahatma Gandhi, to his 2003 hit comedy
Munnabhai MBBS, the allegations of plagiarism are tarnishing his image.
According to one 26-year-old
screenwriter, Ajay Gupta, Hirani's sequel is a complete lift-off from his he'd left behind at Chopra's office earlier
this year.
Says Gupta, "I have been working on a film called Gandhi And The Kid where the kid in
question is a 20-year-old cool dude. I had given out my concept sheet at several places including Vidhu Vinod
Chopra Productions for their perusal in April. Next I hear is that they're making a film called Munnabhai Meets
Mahatma Gandhi."
While Hirani rubbishes Gupta's claim as a "cheap publicity stunt", the aspiring filmmaker says he has filed a
complaint with the Film Writers' Association and plans to take "legal action if needed."
Hirani's was
initially planning to develop Munnabhai LLB concept, which was shelved later.
Thursday, December 30, 2004 16:52 IST