Mallika Sherawat was recently approached to host India's Sexiest Bachelors on a newly launched channel. The actress after an initial hearing asked for an astronomical fee.
However whatever the channel offered, the sexy siren would demand double of it. After a few rounds of negotiations, the channel decided that they were better off without her.
Says a source, "As the channel was launched in May, they are looking at grabbing eyeballs. The show would feature hot hunks, so they felt the sexy siren was the best bet to anchor the show."
Attitude problem
Adds the source, "The show was for 10 episodes and among the names that are slated to feature include Sidhartha Mallya, John Abraham, Yuvraj Singh and Ranbir Kapoor.
Initially, Mallika showed interest but when the monetary talk began she was like a diva who refused to budge."
In the past, Mallika had judged a few episodes of the dance show Chak Dhoom Dhoom on another channel.
She was booted out due to her starry tantrums. The actress had turned up hours late at the launch of the show itself.
Later during the shoot, she had her list of demands that included not getting proper breaks during the shoot. An exasperated channel then replaced her with Urmila Matondkar.
India's Sexiest Bachelors has now roped in Shibani Dandekar to host the show. Mallika, who is presently in New York, remained unavailable for comment.
Friday, July 08, 2011 16:04 IST