Mumbai University opened its gates to Bollywood after a gap of 18 years for "Ferrari Ki Sawaari", produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, whose 1994 movie "1942 A Love Story" is said to be the last film to be shot at the
heritage building.
According to sources in the production unit of the film, university officials agreed to grant permission to film at the magnificent university building, built in 1857, after thoroughly scrutinising the scene.
The shot, which director Rajesh Mapuskar wanted to can there, involved a sequence of a school children choir.
"It was like a dream come true to get a chance to shoot at the university campus and capturing the true essence of the heritage after so many years, " Mapuskar said in a statement.
The film, about a young boy who wants to play cricket at Lords in England, features Sharman Joshi and Deepika Padukone. Mapuskar says it was a delight working on the sets.
"Sharman was absolutely great and there was lot of positive energy on the sets and everyone was completely focused to do their best, " he added.
If close sources are to be believed, Sharman is travelling to all real locations along with the entire cast and doing his scenes amidst the actual environment. It is thanks to the insistence of Chopra and Rajkumar Hirani
that a majority of the film is being shot on original locations.
Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:20 IST