Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn turned to his half-Maharashtrian wife, actress Kajol for help when he was required to deliver dialogues fluently in Marathi for his role in Reliance Entertainment's "Singham".
Ajay, who plays a tough senior inspector Bajirao Singham in the action movie, has a few scenes where he had to speak in Marathi, and he wanted to perfect it.
Since Kajol, whose mother Tanuja is a Maharashtrian, has a good hold on the language, she was more than excited to help her husband. She taught Ajay how to pronounce a few words authentically, and he picked up
the accent within minutes.
"Singham", releasing July 22, is directed by Rohit Shetty. It is a remake of Tamil film "Singkam".
Monday, July 18, 2011 13:20 IST