While Shah Rukh Khan has spent over Rs.100 crore on "RA.One", the producers of "Ferrari Ki Sawaari" have splurged Rs.500, 000 on arranging sweet limes for a song sequence.
"We were shooting for this song in Mumbai and we were told that because of the off season there aren't enough fruits available for the scene. The crew panicked initially but after a lot of struggle we managed tons of mausambis (sweet limes) for the song sequence, " Rajesh Mapuskar, the film's director, said in a statement.
The fruit had to be arranged for a song called "Life", which compares life with a fruit like sweet lime. The crew managed to arrange the fruits from wholesale markets at the eleventh hour.
"Ferrari Ki Sawaari" is about a young father's' endeavour to fulfill the dream of his son. It features Sharman Joshi in the lead.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:28 IST