Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who last worked with Sridevi in "Khuda Gawah" in 1993, says it is a "delight" to work with the actress after so many years in Gauri Shinde's "English Vinglish".
"Up by 6 am and off to the gym and off to Prateeksha and off to work and right next to Sridevi, after like many moons...such a delight to be working again in front of camera with her...still the same effervescent,
spontaneous, delightful Sri..., " Amitabh, 68, posted on his blog
Shinde is "Paa" director R. Balki's wife, and Amitabh readily agreed for a cameo in her film.
Sharing his experience of the shoot, he added: "Inside a Boeing 747... film directed by R.Balki's wife Gauri titled 'English Vinglish'... a small one day cameo...women power at its peak."
The film is Sridevi's comeback project. Her last full-fledged role was in "Judaai" in 1997.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 11:58 IST