Income Tax officials on Friday raided the residences and offices of two of the top Malayalam film stars- Mammotty and Mohanlal- across some southern cities of India.
The raids were conducted both in the residences as well as the offices of the actor-producers in Kochi, Trivandrum, Chennai and Bangalore to "trace the unaccounted wealth" of the two top southern stars, reports said.
Mammotty's production house Play House premises in Chennai are being raided while Mohanlal's production firm Max Labs and his house in Kochi and a studio owned by him are under IT inspections, media reports
Mammootty is not only a top Malayalam star, but has acted in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada films in a career spanning more than three decades now.
Mohanlal is also a superstar who acted not only in Malayalam movies, but also in other southern languages and in Hindi.
They are both actors turned producers.
Friday, July 22, 2011 11:04 IST