Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan released leading Ayurvedic doctor Balaji Tambe's book 'Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar' in English language at an event here.
This is the third language in which the book is being released. It was first released in Marathi in 2008 and in Gujarati earlier this year.
Shiv Sena chief Balasaheb Thackeray was the Guest of Honour.
Politicians and celebrities, most of whom were personal friends of Tambe, attended the book launch function.
Guruji's (as Tambe is respectfully called) book is an extensive collection of data, notes and studies over the last 40 years. It describes in full detail the complete knowledge of this particular art and science of pregnancy.
'Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar' aims to empower pregnant women with the tools, knowledge and support to take care of her hormonal health by providing expert guidance during pregnancy and early stages of her child's growth.
Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar is a behavioural & medical practice that guides people who want a child to help them have a healthy, intelligent, fully-capable and therefore a happy baby. This practice has been developed by Guruji over the last 40 years alongwith his team of doctors and therapists.
Commenting on the core values propagated by his book Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar, Tambe said, "My book is an extension of my practice in health. Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar aims to spark a chain of positive health effects for the parents as well as the child.
"My book is an endeavour to offer a legacy of health which we can leave behind for our future generations. In this book, I have covered the practice of Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar starting with the preparations that can begin a year or more before conception, cover pregnancy, facilitate easy and natural childbirth and guide parents until the child is two years old."
Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar involves traditional diet planning, the use of herbal preparations and natural tonics, yoga, music, certain behavioural practices and medicines as and when required.
It aims to use all these methods in harmony to create a physical, emotional and environmental condition that helps the child to develop fully and happy.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:02 IST