Rajesh Singh, from Uttar Pradesh's Kushinagar, became the first winner of the popular game show Ke Bani Crorepati, the Bhojpuri version of the game show Who Wants to be Millionaire, on Mahuaa TV.
Rajesh takes home with him the prize money of Rs. 1 Crore. With this win, Rajesh becomes the first person to win a huge sum of Rs. 1 crore prize money on a regional channel.
34-year-old Rajesh, a graduate from Gorakhpur University, UP is designated as a Finance Manager in Ahmedabad. Rajesh used to do farming in his village till he was 20 years old alongside his studies and after completing his graduation, he moved to Ahmedabad to pursue his professional life.
Rajesh is married and is a father of two kids. An avid reader, Rajesh has had read 70000 books. He also writes for 17 blogs. He loves singing, playing cricket and enjoys visiting his village
During the show, Rajesh sung three Bhojpuri songs and even dedicated one of the songs to Ke Bani Crorepati.
Actor and host of the show, Shatrughan Sinha told him that he looks alike Nana Patekar. He was accompanied with this mother and aunty at the show, and after he won Rs. 1 crore his mother and aunty both broke into tears.
Delighted with his win, Rajesh said he will spend money on providing good education to his children and will build his own house and his bua's (aunt's) house. He also plans to open a counseling institute to help the youth in deciding their right career with this money.
Sinha was all praise for Rajesh Singh and said: "This proves that if people from small towns are given opportunities, they can prove their merits, and Rajesh exemplifies the same that how a person from a village was given a chance to play this game, and whatever his aspirations, or his knowledge were, it tested them and won the game.
"I congratulate him for the win. He has become an example for all the people in Rural India."
Yubaraj Bhattacharya, CEO, Mahuaa TV said that "Rajesh was exceptionally confident and was so intelligent that he reached the one crore peak. I congratulate him for his brilliant recital and wish him all the success in his career endeavour."
"Across the world, this show is about ordinary people changing their lives for real and it is no exception in its Bhjopuri avatars, and Rajesh is example of that, " he said.
Thursday, July 28, 2011 10:08 IST