Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan has been named the brand ambassador of Shri Ram New Horizons (SRNH), an education and skill
services provider.
"In a short time of eight years, Shri Ram New Horizons has accomplished a 360 degree addressal of students' and
professionals' needs and also won their faith," said Irrfan, who has come a long way - he started with Doordarshan and is now
regarded one of the best actors in filmdom.
The actor will be the face of various SRNH brands including IIT Study Circle, New Horizons Learning Centre and KH Classes
amongst others.
The 48-year-old, a Nation School of Drama graduate, is known for his powerful performance in films like "Maqbool", "The
Namesake", "Life...In A Metro" and "Slumdog Millionaire".
SRNH is an established name in education circles offering 360 degrees educational solutions for the students and
professionals across more than 80 locations.
Speaking on the occasion, Ajay Sharma, managing director of SRNH said, "Irrfan has great faith in Indian formal and vocational
educational system. He firmly believes that quality education and skilling will drive India's super-growth.
He will be
the Shri Ram New Horizons face to spread the word on various education, skilling, training and placement options for the
students and career aspirants in the country," Sharma added.
Friday, July 29, 2011 12:48 IST