Golpark Ramakrishna Mission in association with Aura Cinematics on Thursday unveiled a teaser trailer of a 3-D animated
feature film on Swami Vivekananda, set to be produced to celebrate his 150th birth anniversary in 2013.
The animated flick will be a biography of arguably the greatest monk, philosopher and visionary of India and an attempt of
propagating his philosophies to everyone with a special focus on the younger populace.
Golpark Ramakrishna Mission Secretary Swami Sarvabhutananda said, "For one who knows him is a treat to know some
unknown facts and for them who are deprived of his knowledge, a story on toward as great as his, would simply be of grave
injustice to the world. Like the subject himself the film might just revolutionize the society and if a speck of it happens we will
consider our goal is achieved."
The 90 minute feature film is expected to cost around 6 to 7 crores and will portray the legendary hermit as a teacher and a
reformer of Indian society who is also a dedicated patriot.
Swami added to that by saying, "Research and scripting is on its last few steps after two years and it is in a preproduction
The film is scheduled for a simultaneous national and international release in 2013.
Friday, August 05, 2011 11:08 IST