Actor Kamaal R. Khan suffered a loss of over Rs.2 lakh in cash and other items after his office here was targeted by burglars
Thursday night.
The criminals entered the office, located opposite Sri Venkateswara College near Dhaula Kuan in south Delhi and walked away
with cash and a laptop, among other things.
"Yes, I got to know about the news today itself as one of my staff called me up and said that an amount of Rs.2 lakh plus a
laptop and few small things were stolen from my Delhi office," Kamaal told on phone from Dubai.
The actor, known for his role in "Deshdrohi", has lodged a police complaint but is unsure whether they will be able to find the
"I have filed the complaint but the way police officials reacted was simply disheartening. They behaved very casually and asked
me to buy new things in replacement of old ones. I don't even know whether they will take any action or not," the actor added.
Kamaal used to supply manpower to different Gulf countries from this office.
Monday, August 08, 2011 11:50 IST