Word spreads fast and with platforms such as Twitter and Facebook ‘news in a second' is what you are looking at. Actor Akshay Kumar's tweet on Friday in support of a National Hockey Day in India is soon turning into a national rage.
Akshay Kumar, busy with his soon-to-be-released Indo-Canadian production, ‘Breakaway', tweeted on 5 August on his official Twitter page, "Canada has given me something very interesting to think about. If Canadians can celebrate Hockey Day, why can't we Indians support our own national sport & initiate something similar? What are your views?"
This tweet has spread around like wildfire and is soon turning into national news that has been picked up by major and smaller news portals alike.
The tweet brought to attention again the very pertinent issue of national sport of hockey fading away completely and although we do celebrate 29 August as National Sports Day, we do not yet have a day marked specially for hockey.
Learning about a National Hockey Day in Canada that is celebrated annually, Akshay's tweet displayed his concern for the national sport of our nation.
His production, ‘Breakaway' too focuses on a young, hockey playing Indian's dream to make it big as an ice hockey player who has to battle his family's traditional expectations.
His pushing for a ‘hockey day' in India and the fact that his production is a culture-sports drama is a testament to Akshay's dedication for the growth of every sport in the nation especially hockey.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011 12:34 IST