Sanjay and Anu Gupta hosted an exclusive, excuisitive dinner for certain freinds from the media at their residence Wood Stick Villa, where in Ekta and Sanjay along with Anil, John Abraham and Tusshar Kapoor
showcased the first promo of the most spoken film in the industry Shoot Out at Wadala in Guptas sprawling theatre.
The same was followed by a lavish spread of French and Medditerranean cuisine. Post
the promo, the silence took over as all were stunned with the impact the promo left.
The only conversation which later happened beside the film and its look, was the imppacable hospitality of Gupta and his
wife who personally selected the menu and the decor for the dinner for certain freinds from the media.
A night full of conversations went on till the wee hours in company of a great host, immpacable food
and free flowing sangrillas and drinks.
Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:41 IST