Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, who had earlier refused to show his film "Not A Love Story" to Maria Susairaj, says he is now
keen to screen it for the controversial Kannada actress.
"I refused 2 shw Not a love story 2 Maria cos she ws threatening legal action bt nw it hs bn kpt aside so I wnt 2 voluntarily shw
hr the film. I am really keen to show maria susairaj the film on the basis of, like I always maintained that it has been inspired
from her story (sic), " Varma posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Maria, who was sentenced to three years in jail by a Mumbai court for destroying evidence in the May 2008 killing of television
executive Neeraj Grover, was released from jail last month. Her co-accused and fiance, ex-naval officer Emile Jerome Mathew
was sentenced to 10 years' jail term.
Varma's "Not A Love Story", releasing Friday, is inspired by the incident and both Maria Susairaj and Emile sent legal notices
questioning the content of the film, which features Deepak Dobriyal and Mahie Gill.
"I wud like to see Maria's reaction on the film on account of hw close her emotional state wud hav been to that of mahee gill's
character, " said Varma, known for his choice of controversial themes for his films.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:52 IST