Bollywood actress Tara Sharma on Wednesday announced the launch of her first TV show "The Tara Sharma Show - Ek Nayi Maa Ka Safar" which will be aired on Imagine TV and POGO from September.
The launch was attended by Tara's close friends Konkona Sen and Suchitra Pillai who are also a part of the show, at the Taj Lands End, Mumbai.
As the name explains, "The Tara Sharma Show - Ek Nayi Maa Ka Safar" is a realistic diary of Tara's experiences and adventures as a new Mum.
The show is informal and often humorous with the personal touch of her real-life experiences being recounted and revealed.
The show sees Tara and her baby Zen's experiences at home, in day to day activities, traveling around the world and also Tara chatting to various celebrity and other friends about their experiences as new parents or
their own childhood.
The show is not intended to be patronizing or instructional as Tara firmly believes that every parent has their own way, which is right for them.
The series also features her husband Roopak and even their second child Kai.
The show has been co-produced by Tara with her husband's company, Jack in the Box Worldwide. In addition, Tara has written, directed, hosted and co-produced the content with able support from sponsors Fisher-
Price and Mom&Me.
Talking about the show, Karun Gera, Commercial Director, Mattel India, said, "The show is a must-watch for new and expecting parents alike to understand the nitty-gritty's of parenthood and the upbringing of a child."
"With her natural charisma, Tara Sharma's show concept was the perfect choice for Fisher-Price to associate with and she has done complete justice to the show, " he said.
Tara, who is extremely thrilled about her show, had an eventful day and was replete with bliss about the show.
She said: "Being a mother has been and is the most incredible journey of my life. So the opportunity to share this momentous journey with all home makers is truly elating. Also the show has enabled me to combine
my family and work life which is a real luxury and one I am super grateful for!"
The various celebrities in the show who have shared their experiences and secrets of motherhood include mother of triplets, Farah Khan, new mother Konkona Sen Sharma, a mom to be for the second time Mallaika
Khan (wife of Zayed Khan), Nandita Das to name a few.
These women are not on the pedestal of a celebrity but a platform where they are real women with responsibilities and they reveal these to Tara on the show.
Friday, August 26, 2011 11:58 IST