Superstar Shah Rukh Khan celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr lavishly at his Bandra residence Mannat and Bollywood big names like Karan Johar and Farhan Akhtar joined him in the celebration. The surprise guest was Sanjay Dutt, whose evil look in "Agneepath" remake is the talk of the town.
"My children have grown up, so now they should have understanding of the culture. We celebrate every occasion like Diwali and Christmas. Sometime we party just for the sake of it.
"I think it's important that they should know to celebrate this occasion too. I like to do it as my parents used to do with that decor and manner. We used to have it on a small scale though, " Shah Rukh told reporters Wednesday at Mannat.
The party started close to midnight and continued till dawn and it was attended by almost all the who-is-who of the industry.
Filmmaker Karan Johar and Farhan Akhtar were among the first few to show up at the do, while Hrithik Roshan with his wife Suzanne joined the bash later.
Shah Rukh's long guest list included Ashutosh Gowarikar and his wife Sunita, actor Dino Morea, Arjun Rampal, Chunky Pandey, Priyanka Chopra, Raveena Tandon, Anushka Sharma, Preity Zinta and Sonali Bendre, among others.
The surprise guest was Sanjay Dutt who came with his wife Manyata.
As usual, the media was waiting outside trying to capture the hustle-bustle inside Shah Rukh's home and it attracted locals who were till then enjoying the sea at the Bandstand, opposite SRK's house.
To get a glimpse of their silver screen stars, the fans hovered over every celebrity car. Eventually the huge crowd led to a traffic jam and finally the police came and brought the situation under control by dispersing the people.
Friday, September 02, 2011 12:25 IST