How did Amitabh Bachchan spend his Ganesh Chaturthi holiday Thursday' The 68-year-old enjoyed a rare day off by watching the classic 'The Godfather' series. He says the film still looks 'fresh' and 'attractive'.
"On a rare off day today (Thursday), I remained that lazy unperturbed bird, curled up on a couch and back to back watched the Godfather Series - perhaps a version which was the directors cut and so a longer version and having scenes that were not seen before," Big B posted on his blog.
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, the first instalment of the underworld saga came in 1972 with power-packed performances by Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Parts two and three were released in 1974 and 1977, respectively.
'There is something so mesmerizing about 'Godfather' that even after so many years of its making and release, it still remains fresh and attractive every time you see it,' wrote Big B.
'The selection of the players in each part of 'Godfather', the locations and the performances are simply flawless. And even today, decades later, there is still so much to learn from them.
One imagines that with the passage of time, craft and technique would age and become stale or irrelevant. But no, not a single frame or performance or moment in the film seems like it can be replaced with anything better. No never. And that really is the truth about classics.
'And the funny part is that after viewing an impressionable film or series, you begin to get so involved in them that you actually start behaving attitudinally like the characters in the film,' he added.
Big B also recollected how he watched the movie for the first time in London during the shooting of 'Sholay'.
'I remember the first time I saw the film. It was in England long after its release. Those days the film releases from US did not arrive in India for months. Salim (Khan) Sahab and Javed (Akhtar) Sahab were with me in London for a short break during the shooting of `Sholay' and we were desperate to see the film at the first opportunity,' he posted.
'Some time had elapsed since its release and it was not running in any theater in the city. We discovered that a nearby town was screening the film in a small unknown theater and we caught a train to get to the venue to catch the film. It was spellbinding."
Friday, September 02, 2011 13:02 IST