Ever since Bollywood actor Celina Jaitley announced her marriage with boyfriend Peter Hagg on Twitter, she is busy thanking her fans and well-wishers on the micro blogging site.
"Thank you again for the many thousands of wishes pouring in for r wedding from all over the world.. Peter & myself r very touched and blessed, " she tweeted to her fans.
Her marriage remained a secret affair till the model-turned-actor disclosed it herself.
"Beloved tweeple... With great pleasure I would like to announce my wedding with @peterhaag on the 23rd of last month at a thousand
year old monastery in Austria. We seek your blessings and good wishes, and apologise for the delayed announcement due to a family tragedy, " she had announced on Twitter on Aug 27.
She got married to Dubai-based Austrian hotelier Peter Hagg on July 23.
The couple, who has been seeing each other for nearly one-and-a-half years, tied the nuptial knot in a 1000-year-old monastery in Austria.
The picture posted by Celina with her hubby shows her wearing a white printed saree.
Monday, September 05, 2011 12:57 IST