Mumbai-based actress and model Nisha Yadav has filed a police complaint against a producer from Chennai Ramnath Anandan for issuing threats, making vulgar and threatening calls and for defamation.
According to police sources, producer Ramnath Anandan had met Nisha Yadav at an audition in Mumbai in June 2011. He claimed to be a big producer and offered her a film which he claimed he was producing with Rajnikant, Ramya, Priyamani and others in the main lead.
He had offered Nisha Yadav a second lead in the film. However, later on he began demanding sexual favours from Nisha Yadav for giving her the role. Further, when Nisha Yadav checked his credentials and the references he had given her they all turned out to be false and incorrect. So she stopped taking his calls.
After that, Ramnath Anandan began making "crank and vulgar calls asking her how much she would charge to sleep with him?"
On Sunday between 9.30 and 10.00 pm a person claiming to be a representative of Ramnath Anandan called Nisha Yadav on her mobile phone and threatened her with dire consequences if she did not agree to do the film and agree to Anandan's terms.
The caller claimed he was a henchman of Chotta Rajan and was one of his main associates in Mumbai and that NIsha Yadav could get bumped off the same way journalist J Dey was killed.
Alarmed by this, Nisha Yadav immediately filed a complaint against the unknown caller on Monday. The police have registered a non-cognizable complaint against the unknown caller and are investigating the matter.
Nisha Yadav has acted in several south (Tamil and Telugu films) as well as Bhojpuri and other regional films, besides doing theatre and documentary and festival films.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 12:52 IST