Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who respects all religions and celebrates every festival, attended the Ganpati puja at his friend, actress Rani Mukerji's house, and says he enjoyed the love for the god there.
"Went to Rani's Ganpati. First time I attended a Ganpati in a friend's house. It was so nice to see faith being celebrated with so much love, " Shah Rukh posted on his Twitter page.
The actor, who is married to a Hindu, had recently hosted an Eid party at his residence. It was attended by his friends like Karan Johar, Farhan Akhtar and Sanjay Dutt.
Shah Rukh, who has been busy preparing for the release of his mega-budget production "RA.One", says he is quite exhausted with the work.
"Overworked.overeaten.overunderslept.overquestioned...., " he added.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 12:57 IST