Model-turned-actress Pia Trivedi, who is set to make her debut with "Hum Tum Shabana", found a hidden passion for cooking during her stay in Goa, and given her experiments with recipes, she plans to come out with
a cook book soon.
Pia owns a small apartment in Goa, and during one of her stays there, she found out that she would have no choice but to cook for herself if she had to survive, according to a source close to her.
That is when Pia began trying her hand behind the kitchen counter, and ever since then she's hooked on to cooking.
She also started experimenting with her own unique recipes, and now she finds cooking
a huge stress-buster and therapeutic -- so much so that the actress now plans to publish a book of healthy recipes very soon, added the source.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 13:06 IST